Latest News 12/13/2000
Rescheduled Basketball Game with St. Louis Christian from yesterday to Saturday, February 10 at 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
Cancelled Basketball game with Sonshine Christian Academy. (Make-up date has not yet been determined.)
Preschool & Elementary Christmas Concert rescheduled for Monday, December 18, at 6:00 p.m. before the Middle School Choir performs.
COS Christmas Concert Schedule
Christian Outreach School invites you to join us in celebrating the
anniversary of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ by attending
our three Christmas concerts this holiday season. Our first concert,
hosted by the Little Lambs Preschool and the elementary department will
take place on Monday, December 11, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The sceond
concert of the holidays will occur on Monday, December 18 and will feature
the Middle School Choir, directed by Mary Mahder and the Junior High Drama
Department, directed by Phyllis Butler. Our third and final concert,
featuring the High School Choir, directed by Randy Buendorf and the Senior
High Speech Class, taught by Phyllis Butler, will be presented on Thursday
evening, December 21.
All three events begin at 7:00 p.m. and will take place in the chapel of
Christian Outreach Church located at 4430 Outreach Drive, Hillsboro,
Missouri. For more information, please contact the school at
(636) 797-3466.
6th Annual COS/JEFFCO Basketball Tournament is a Huge Success
30 teams (16 boys and 14 girls) took part in the 6th annual COS/JEFFCO
Basketball Tournament held Friday and Saturday, December 8-9. Arthur
Mennonite School, from Arthur, IL, won the boys championship with Christian
Fellowship of Columbia, MO coming in 2nd. Christian High School of St.
Charles took the girls' title game with Christian Fellowship of Columbia
again coming in 2nd place.
The COS/JEFFCO Tournament is fast becoming one of the largest Midwest
Christian High School Tournaments with schools from Little Rock, Arkansas,
Grandview, Missouri and Arthur, Illinois making the trip to Hillsboro.
1st Semester concludes on Friday, January 12, 2001
The first semester of the 2000/2001 academic year concludes on Friday,
January 12. This is a change from previous years with students returning
from Christmas break with another week and a half of school before the
semester concludes. The 2nd semester at COS will begin on Monday, January
15. There are a few enrollment openings remaining at select grade levels
for the remainder of this school year. For more information please contact
the school at [email protected] or phone (636) 797-3466.
For current weather information and
official school closing information for the entire region we encourage you
to visit the KMOV web site at http://www.kmov.com
Archived News